Diskographie von Skid Row zum Herunterladen
Discografía Skid Row para descarga -
Skid Row´s discography to download
Skid Row - Skid Row(1989)

2. "Sweet Little Sister"
3. "Can't Stand the Heartache"
4. "Piece of Me"
5. "18 and Life"
6. "Rattlesnake Shake"
7. "Youth Gone Wild"
8. "Here I Am"
9. "Makin' a Mess"
10. "I Remember You"
11. "Midnight/Tornado"
Sebastian Bach – vocals
Scotti Hill – lead and rhythm guitar
Dave "The Snake" Sabo – rhythm and lead guitar, vocals
Rachel Bolan – bass guitar, vocals
Rob Affuso – drums and percussion
Link para download:
Skid Row - Slave to the Grind (1991)

2. "Slave to the Grind"
3. "The Threat"
4. "Quicksand Jesus"
5. "Psycho Love"
6. "Get the Fuck Out"
"Beggar's Day" (On the censored "clean" version)
7. "Livin' on a Chain Gang"
8. "Creepshow"
9. "In a Darkened Room"
10. "Riot Act"
11. "Mudkicker"
12. "Wasted Time"
Sebastian Bach – vocals
Scotti Hill – lead and rhythm guitar
Dave "The Snake" Sabo – rhythm and lead guitar, vocals, production
Rachel Bolan – bass guitar, vocals
Rob Affuso – drums and percussion
Link para download:
Skid Row - B-Side Ourselves - EP(1992)

2. "C'Mon and Love Me" (Kiss cover)
3. "Delivering the Goods" (Live, Judas Priest cover)
4. "What You're Doing" (Rush cover)
5. "Little Wing" (The Jimi Hendrix Experience cover)
Sebastian Bach – vocals
Scotti Hill – lead and rhythm guitar
Dave "The Snake" Sabo – rhythm and lead guitar, vocals
Rachel Bolan – bass guitar, vocals
Rob Affuso – drums and percussion
Link para download:
Skid Row - Subhuman Race(1995)

"Beat Yourself Blind"
"Remains to be Seen"
"Subhuman Race"
"Into Another"
"Face Against My Soul"
"Medicine Jar"
"Breakin' Down"
Sebastian Bach – vocals
Scotti Hill – lead and rhythm guitar
Dave "The Snake" Sabo – rhythm and lead guitar, vocals
Rachel Bolan – bass guitar, vocals
Rob Affuso – drums and percussion
Link para download:
Skid Row - Thickskin(2003)

2. "Ghost"
3. "Swallow Me (The Real You)"
4. "Born a Beggar"
5. "Thick Is The Skin"
6. "See You Around"
7. "Mouth of Voodoo"
8. "One Light"
9. "I Remember You Two"
10. "Lamb"
11. "Down from Underground"
12. "Hittin' a Wall"
Johnny Solinger – lead vocals
Scotti Hill – lead guitar
Dave "The Snake" Sabo – rhythm guitar, backing vocals
Rachel Bolan – bass guitar, backing vocals
Phil Varone – drums
Link para download:
Skid Row - Revolutions per Minute(2006)

2. "Another Dick in the System"
3. "Pulling My Heart Out from Under Me"
4. "When God Can't Wait"
5. "Shut Up Baby, I Love You"
6. "Strength" (The Alarm cover)
7. "White Trash"
8. "You Lie"
9. "Nothing"
10. "Love Is Dead"
11. "Let It Ride"
12. "You Lie" (Corn Fed mix, bonus track)
Johnny Solinger – lead vocals
Scotti Hill – lead guitar
Dave "The Snake" Sabo – rhythm guitar, backing vocals
Rachel Bolan – bass guitar, backing vocals
Dave Gara – drums
Link para download:
Ao Vivo
Skid Row - Subhuman Beings on Tour (1995)

"Delivering the Goods" - featuring Rob Halford
"Beat Yourself Blind"
"Psycho Therapy" (by The Ramones)
"Riot Act"
"Monkey Business"
"Thanks From the Band"
Sebastian Bach – vocals
Scotti Hill – guitars
Dave "The Snake" Sabo – guitars, vocals
Rachel Bolan – bass, vocals
Rob Affuso – drums
Rob Halford – vocals on "Delivering the Goods"
Link para download:
Skid Row - 40 Seasons: The Best of Skid Row(1998)

2. "18 and Life"
3. "Piece of Me"
4. "I Remember You"
5. "The Threat"
6. "Psycho Love"
7. "Monkey Business"
8. "Quicksand Jesus"
9. "Slave to the Grind"
10. "Into Another" (Remix)
11. "Frozen" (Demo)
12. "My Enemy" (Remix)
13. "Breakin' Down" (Remix)
14. "Beat Yourself Blind" (Live)
15. "Forever" (Previously unreleased, 1988)
16. "Fire in the Hole" (Previously unreleased, 1991)
17. "Psycho Therapy" (Ramones cover)
Sebastian Bach – vocals
Scotti Hill – lead and rhythm guitar
Dave "The Snake" Sabo – rhythm and lead guitar, vocals
Rachel Bolan – bass guitar, vocals
Rob Affuso – drums and percussion
Link para download:
12 comentários:
Mandou muito bem! Parabéns!!
Visite o meu blog, justrockgallery.blogspot.com
brow, sem palavras!!!
o melhor de tudo que vc postou no mida fire! é o melhor hd viortual do mundo! (na minha opinião!)
xD vlw msm cara abc Obrigado!
só n te dou um bju pq gosto muito de mulher!
Não sou muito de comentar mas me senti na obrigação de fazer hehehehe
Conheci Skid Row esses dias e esse site foi uma mão na roda pra baixar os albuns!
Também concordo o Mediafire é o o melhor "hd virtual" hehehe
Cara sempre que poder post lá beleza?
Valeu e falous!
Muitíssimo obrigada!! :D
nota dez parabens
gracias gracias gracias gracias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gracias gracias gracias gracias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Caralho, tu salvou minha vida! Há quase um ano perdi toda a minha discografia no computador antigo, e até então tentei completá-la novamente mas os links que tentava já estavam todos quebrados! Aí, valeu!!! =B
Meu mano,valeu mesmo,estou baixando e te agradecendo mesmo pq adorei o seu site e indicarei a todos os meus amigos,Valeu e muito obrigado.
Cara,eu curto Skid Row desde criança, e olha que já tenho 20 anos na cara, mas não enjoo nunca. A época do Bach foi a melhor, sem duvidas. Adoro, vlw mesmo *-*
Valeu fui procurar um lugar para baixar os álbuns do skid row e achei aqui , bem fácil e rápido brigadão !
Mto bom post, mto bom mesmo!
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